New appearance of COX!

Clarity, courage and eye level – the three principles of our team and the basis for the new design.

The recently designed website, in cooperation with @agentursalic, @studiofjeld, @moritzaichriedler and typo-wimmer, has simply turned out great.

A big thank you for the fantastic cooperation!

💻 (typo-wimmer)

📷 @studio.fjeld

🎥 @moritz_alphafilms

More articles

Remote work: 4 tips to master successful remote working.

1. create an effective working environment

A structured workplace is crucial for success. Set up a quiet corner, free from distractions.

2. create clear boundaries between work and leisure time

Remote work can lead to a feeling that work never ends. It is therefore important to set clear boundaries and consciously take breaks.

3. create a structured daily schedule

Remote work requires self-organization. Create a to-do list and prioritize your tasks right at the start of the day. Set clear goals and manage your time efficiently.

4. maintain regular social contact for cooperation

Remote work can sometimes be lonely. It is therefore important to maintain social interactions.


Recognize the light at the end of the tunnel, block out the noise and channel energy into the essentials – not where you are, but where you want to be.

More mindfulness through bullet journaling

Blog post by Flora Otahal